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RTP Snuffle Mats

RTP Snuffle Mats

RTP = Ready to Post.


We haven’t invented this product, snuffle mats have been around for a long time, and come from idea that dogs can be benefitted and enriched by scatter feeding on grass outside, rather than from a bowl. The act of searching out for food bits comes naturally to most animals, domestic or not, sniffing through grass (or bits of fleece!) is not only enriching but most dogs find this calming.



For size estimates and scale please swipe/click through the product photos.

  • Small - £10 - for small dogs or a smaller option for medium dogs (Link uses this size!)
  • Medium - £15 - for medium and large dogs (Arwen & Jasper use this size)
  • Large - £25 - a very large option, suitable for medium/large dogs sharing or for the biggest dog breed


Snuffle collection page.


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    PriceFrom £8.50
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