Two ladies from Sheffield with a love for our dogs, dogs in general, dog training & doing so being cruelty free & vegan where we can!

Jinks is made up of Amy and Caitlin, Amy's background is costume and prop design/production and Caitlin's in in molecular biology research. It's fair to say that neither of us have come from a professional dog background, but we both bring lots of skills to the business.. plus we're both a bit dog mad!
Amy's four legged sidekick is Jasper, a very patient and good looking Staffsky, Caitlin's is Link, a very mentally active and handsome Border Collie.
We set up the business almost by accident! We'd both been making things for our dogs that we couldn't buy easily or didn't exist. Amy making cruelty free tuggies and fancy snoods, around the same time as Caitlin fashioned an early Snuffle Box prototype to help with Links nerves. We got along, our dogs got along even better, and so, Jinks was born.
A few more prototypes and more product ideas later; we're here launching our business!
Scroll down for information on how to contact us, how to get in touch and about the Jinks team.
We do everything ourselves! This includes designing and testing products (although we do get help to test to avoid our bias!), and making/sewing our products.
Photographing our products and dogs, website development and admin.
We outsource our printing of business cards/thank you cards, but thats about it!
As we're a two person team & we're good friends it's easy to spread out the things to make!
We both can and do everything, although for ease we tend make the same products to keep storage of materials easy. As such regardless of who you speak to we should be able to answer your questions quickly.
We try our hardest to keep on top of emails, occasionally things fall through the cracks though & it takes a little longer to respond - please forgive us!

As everything we make is handmade from 'raw' materials we can control every aspect. (Our clothing items work a little differently as we buy in clothing blanks to keep prices competitive).
Where appropriate we have bought specialist equipment for the 'job'.
As with anything hand made there may be problems - although we do our very best to avoid this, we will always try to replace any item that has issues.

Please bare with us as we update this section.
Please bare with us as we update this section.

Please bare with us as we update this section.

Whenever I complained about something not existing, my mum would always say "if ONLY you knew someone who could make things!" an in joke at the fact I literally make things for a living. So when I couldn't find what I was looking for for Jasper, I finally listened to her and made the things!

I've recently had a huge change in how I spend my time! I went from spending all my time in the lab/on a microscope or out caving! Now, I get to work from home with a friend, with my own dog & her dog.... All the sewing my grandma taught me has come in to use, and it turns out 8 years at university does give you some transferable skills for starting a business! All 5 of us make a very good team.

The best looking dog you'll see all day! Not biased at all! Jasper is a confident, somewhat headstrong Staffsky (husky x staffy) who loves running at top speeds, thrashing his toys around and best of all, sofa snuggles!

Also the best looking dog you'll see all day! Link is a Border Collie, and quite a typical excited one.;far too clever for his own good, and has eyes in the back of his head. Super observant, a quick learner, and has recently discovered the delights of the human bed!
Our newest team member, Arwen came to Amy in 2019 from a foster home, but started life in Romania!
She's definitely a 'maligator' at heart but makes everyone around her laugh with her fantastic approach to life.

The newest and smallest member of the group, living up to her name sake in the cutest and most gentle way!

Amy's cats have been in her life for far longer than the dogs. Please bare with us as we update this section.
Luna & Leo have the saem parents, and are both as cheeky as each other. They climb on, break a lot of thins but we wouldn't be without them. They're always down for a knee and a purr, and are great company.
They often try to get into JINKS order boxes. We don't take offence too much.

Also the human boys...
We also couldn't be without our partners. Our human boys who put up with photos, being asked to try break things, and generally being supportive & on board with any wild ideas.