Custom double ring tuggy
If we don't have the colour combination you want ready to post you can order on this listing.
Fleece! A simple material that works very well for your dog to thrash around with you! Our dogs love these, they always get excited when the toy comes out and want to play WITH you.
We’ve braided two rings interlocked for extra tuggy fun! They give a longer length to tug, so there is more active play range!
We cut and braid the fleece to make sure there is as much ‘natural’ stretch as possible whilst retaining the good parts that the fabrics offer.
Our fleece tuggies comes in a range of colours:
Note - the photo of the double ring with different ring colours is just for photographic purposes. The tuggies will arrive with both rings the same unless you ask us to make it otherwise!
Scroll to the end photos for visuals of our colour combos:
Atmosphere - Navy, royal blue, aqua blue & sky
Blossom -Wine, wine, lilac & pink
Coastline - Navy, navy, sky & yellow
Fireside - Wine, wine, orange/rust & yellow
Galaxy - Black, black, aqua blue & pink
Heather fields - Bottle green, khaki, lilac & purple
Herbal - Wine, wine, khaki & bottle green
Night Lights - Navy, navy, yellow/mustard & red
Rainbow - Red, yellow, bottle green & aqua blue.
Riverside - Aqua blue, aqua blue, bottle green & khaki.
Sunset - Black, black & aqua & rust/orange
Wildflower - Lilac, aqua, pink & purple
Custom colour mix (up to 4 colours for the 2 rings to be the same, or up to 8 for different rings).
Yes! They do!
We’ve consciously chosen to construct these tuggies using only cruelty free materials. We all know dogs love animal fur, the texture and even the smell often! We have no problem or disagreement with the dogs desire for that, we just think its not needed or necessary for every day training (actually, we find it’s often too much for our pups at the moment!). It’s hard to be consistently told that we vote with every purchase, and being blasted with doomsday articles on the environment or animal welfare. We’ve made it easy. The dogs love the fluff. Absolutely love the fluff. We don’t *need* to use bits of animal in our play-training (they need to eat animal bits though), so we’ve spent a little extra on sourcing the high quality faux-fur, with different textures and colours and lengths of fur strands. We expect you’ll get the package, open it up and just want to keep it for yourself and rub your face in it! It’s really, really nice stuff.
Just a quick head ups – these toys are designed to be used to play WITH your dog, to build a good relationship with your four-legged friend through play, and NOT intended for your dog to play with alone, and then pluck away at to get inside (which is natural, and ours would happily do!). As they aren’t made from animal skin, by design, they won’t be digested by the dog very well! Please make sure to not leave your dog unsupervised with these toys. As a dog owner on the internet, we’re sure you’re used to this message by now, but it is an important one.